Your PA School List
Below are the programs you have added to your list. Use the Search Schools or Prerequisite Search to find new programs to add.
- Good Value: our estimated total cost of attendance for residents including tuition, fees and cost of living is less than $139,000, which is less than about 75% of the programs
- Average GPA (if reported) is more than 3.50, which is about average for all the programs.
- This is a public school.
- This school is on your list of programs.
You have no programs in your list. Use the search pages to find programs to add to your list.
In order to create a list of programs, you must purchase our PA Toolkit Membership
- Full access to all search tools - search by tuition, prerequisites, GPA, and many other fields.
- One full year of access. Does not auto-renew.
- Create a list of PA programs that you are interested in.
- Add and remove Programs as you figure out which schools are the best fit for you.
- See full details of over 280 programs.
One-Year Subscription Only $10 for a Limited Time
After you purchase, you will receive an email for setting your password. Once you login, you will have full access to all search tools and data.