Search Physician Assistant (PA) schools
Use this search page to find programs that are a good fit for you, and use the result to refine your list of programs.
- Good Value: our estimated total cost of attendance for residents including tuition, fees and cost of living is less than $139,000, which is less than about 75% of the programs
- Average GPA (if reported) is more than 3.50, which is about average for all the programs.
- This is a public school.
- This school is on your list of programs.
In order to use the search functions, you must purchase our PA Toolkit Membership.
- Full access to all search tools - search by tuition, prerequsites, GPA and all of the selections in the search bar to the left..
- One full year of access. Does not auto-renew.
- Create a list of PA programs that you are interested in.
- Add and remove programs as you figure out which schools are the best fit for you.
- See full details of 300 programs.
One-Year Subscription Only $10 for a Limited Time
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