Welcome to PreHealthAdmit!

PreHealthAdmit has one of the most complete sets of PA school data available, along with powerful search tools to allow you to find programs that are the best fit for you.

You are viewing the details for one of 300 physician assistant programs in our database. By signing up, you also get access to our search tools and the ability to create a personalized list of schools.

Physician Assistant (PA) School Details

Icon Legend

Immediately under the program’s name, you may see icons highlighting certain key characteristics. Here is the legend:

Chamberlain University

Chicago ,
Information Last Reviewed by PreHealthAdmit: January 2023

Admissions Office Email:


Program Information

Length of Program:

2 Years

Part-Time Option Available:  


Starting Semester: 




Students per Class:

PANCE First-Time Pass Rate: 

Not Available

Cost of Attendance (Resident / Non-Resident): 

$103,869 / $103,869   Does not include living expenses.

Combined Degree Program(s) Offered: 


Admissions Information


Participates in CASPA:


Application Deadline:

Not yet released.


Minimum GPA:   


Minimum Science GPA:


Average GPA: 

Not Reported by Program

Average Science GPA:   

Not Reported by Program

Other GPA Requirements: 

3.0 minimum prerequisite GPA

Shadowing and Experience:

PA Shadowing Required or Recommended:

Not Mentioned

Minimum PA Shadowing: 

Patient Care Experience Required:

Check with School

Patient Care Experience Recommended: 

299 Hours


Test(s) Required:

GRE Required

GRE Deadline:

Check with School

GRE Expiration:


PA-CAT Deadline:

Not Applicable

CASPer Required:


CASPer Deadline:

Not Applicable

Coursework Policies

Coursework Expiration:

10 Years

Online Coursework Accepted:

Not Stated on School Website

Community College Coursework Accepted:


Pending Prerequisite Coursework Allowed:

Not Stated on School Website


Required or Recommended
General Chemistry
Not Required
Organic Chemistry
Not Required
Not Required
Biochemistry or Organic Chemistry Options
1 Semester with Lab
Biochemistry – lab preferred or Organic Chemistry I – with lab
Introductory Biology
1 Semester with Lab
General Biology – with lab Genetics – with lab Cell Biology – with lab Molecular Biology – with lab Immunology – with lab
1 Semester with Lab
Upper-Level Biology
Not Required
Not Required
Anatomy and Physiology
2 Semesters: 1 Each of Anatomy and Physiology, OR 2 Semesters of Combined Anatomy/Physiology, Lab required with Anatomy only
Human Anatomy and Physiology Human Anatomy - with lab and Human Physiology – lab optional
Not Required
Medical Terminology
Not Required
English / Writing
Not Required
1 Semester
General or developmental psychology accepted
Social Sciences
Not Required
1 Semester
Other Math
Not Required
Foreign Language
Not Required
Other Requirements


Other Recommendations


Instructions and Tips

Use this page to search for programs based on prerequisites.

Here’s some tips:

  • After searching, make sure you also review the detailed notes, recommendations and requirements on the school detail page and/or the compare prerequisite page.
  • Check one or more boxes within each group of fields to narrow the search results down.
  • Select every checkbox up to and including your target requirement. For example, if you have one semester of chemistry, check “None” also to make sure you don’t exclude those programs with no requirement.
  • The search criteria are only applied to programs that have that specific requirement. For example, if a program has a requirement for “1 semester of chemistry required and a lab is recommended”, this school will satisfy the “1 semester required” option.
  • Some programs have requirements for any combination of courses of one type, for example “2 total courses of any chemistry subject”. For the purposes of this search, that would not be treated as a requirement, but you’ll need to be aware that you need to closely look at each program’s detailed requirements.
  • Use the Add/Remove buttons to fine-tune your list of programs.

Instructions and Tips

Use this page to search for programs based on general criteria.

Here’s some tips:

  • Check one or more boxes within each group of fields to narrow the search results down.
  • For certain numerical searches (such as Minimum GPA), if the program does not have a minimum, it is considered a zero. Make sure you include zero in your range of values so that they show up in your search.
  • The tuition search uses our estimate of total cost of attendance for non-residents including tuition, fees and living expenses.
  • You’ll probably want to start with more boxes checked and start with a short list of results. Uncheck boxes to expand the list.
  • Use the Add/Remove buttons to fine-tune your list of programs.


An example of how to maximize the effectiveness of your search: let’s say you don’t want to take any standardized tests:

  • Check every box under Test(s) Required that does not have “required” in it. for example “None”, “GRE Recommended”, “PA-CAT Recommended”, etc.
  • Leave blank any box that has a “required” test, such as “GRE Required”, “PA-CAT Required”, “GRE Required and PA-CAT Recommended”, etc.

This will make sure you only filter for programs that have no requirement for a standardized test.